Public green spaces need to be upheld. Parks, green spaces throughout the city and in both residential areas and outskirts. The appearance of green spaces makes or breaks the image people have of their surroundings. For that reason, municipalities often hire contractors providing skilled greenkeepers. You always work outside: in a gentle breeze, with sun, and with rain. Would you also rather step outside than sit in an office? As a greenkeeper your best friends are plants, flowers, and trees.
Greenkeeper vacancies
Unfortunately, there are currently no vacancies for this function
View our other vacanciesWhat we offer
Next to appreciation and personal guidance
- Hourly wage of €14,06 – €15 per hour
- Fixed-term contract, with prospect of a permanent contract
- Possibilities to learn working with a brush cutter
- A thankful job outdoors
- Company car
Go green and go good!
A foreman briefs you early in the morning. Today, city park maintenance is the item on the agenda. You’ll get on location with the company car or a small van. You start by hoeing the park soil. That way, water seeps deeper into the soil. The plants will be grateful. Weeds also loosen. They can serve as nutrients for the soil.
After lunch near the park pond, it’s time to finish these overgrowing and persistent weeds. Thanks to your course in operating the brush cutter, the weeds are no match for your sharp blades. You cut them down and clean them up. One of your co-workers scoops some pieces of floating debris from the pond. The other prunes the brushes with an electric hedge trimmer.
Greenkeeping is grateful work
Any amount of earlier experience and prior education may be useful, but it is no necessity. Love for plants and affinity in working with machines and tools is what we are looking out for. Getting along with co-workers is a nice bonus! You are happy when the green spaces look promising once again. A VCA-certificate is good to have. If not, AB Midden Nederland helps you obtain one. Just like a course for using the brush cutter. Other specialisms you want to invest in are possible too. It greatly enhances your employability.