Tractor driver
You know the ins and outs of operating a tractor like no other and you like to get down to work. Your client can make good use of someone with adequate tractor skills. You are involved in care and maintenance of green spaces. In residential areas, sports fields, and recreational areas. You will also transport soil, sand, and trees/plants, for example. Additionally, the tractor can be used for mowing. With your trusty tractor, embarking on new adventures every day of work. It is possible via AB Midden Nederland.
Tractor driver vacancies
Unfortunately, there are currently no vacancies for this function
View our other vacanciesWhat we offer
Next to appreciation and personal guidance
- Hourly wage of €13 – €19 per hour
- Fixed-term contract, with prospect of a permanent contract
- Magnificent projects in greenkeeping and landscaping
Tractors are totally your cup of tea!
Big and small. Red, green, blue, or any other colour. Either way, as tractor driver you are constantly working with amazing machines. Tasks differ per client and per season. There are tractors with a water truck. Or trucks with mowers and shredders. They can also be equipped with a shovel. You and your tractor are inseparable, working in synergy on most occasions. Summer work includes:
- Mowing lawns and verges
- Transporting green waste
- Spraying and sucking up water
- Tractor maintenance
And in winter:
- Chipping, shredding, and transporting branches
- Shovelling snow
- Scattering road salt
Talented tractor drivers
You are easy-going and your attitude invites people to socialise with you. You are in contact with co-workers, clients, farmers, and curious passers-by. Sometimes you might get a sudden emergency call for a rush job. You stay calm and take the initiative. You work in a setting where you can create some sort of balance between people, plants, and the soil. A golden combination in a profession to be proud of. You don’t need an education. When you are employed by AB Midden Nederland we can help you get your BE or T driving license. You can also obtain the VCA-certificate (SCC). Will you join us?